As a member of the “Gesamtverband der Personaldienstleister” (GVP), we can effectively represent the interests of the personnel services industry in the business world. For our employees, this means strengthening their rights, particularly with regard to fair pay and working conditions.

Through our membership of BAP and GVP, we are also part of the “Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund” (DGB), the largest umbrella organisation of individual trade unions. This enables us to promote fair working conditions and social standards, which is the most important thing for us and our employees.

As an administrative partner of the “Verwaltungsberufsgenossenschaft” (VBG), the safety and well-being of our employees is important to us. In the event of an accident at work, the VBG as accident insurer covers all treatment costs from hospitalisation to rehabilitation. Our employees are automatically members of the VBG and benefit from its services.

As a member of the “Arbeitsmedizinisches Zentrum” (AMZ), we offer all our employees occupational health care. Regular health checks are carried out in order to recognise changes in the working environment at an early stage. Our occupational safety is constantly monitored by our safety officer, accidents at work are discussed and assessed and preventative measures are implemented to avoid them in the future.

The ability to provide help as required not only teaches important skills, but also gives our employees the feeling that they can intervene effectively in an emergency – whether to save a life or provide first aid. This is why we enable the majority of our employees to take part in first aid training courses organised by the “Deutsches Rotes Kreuz”.

Since its foundation in April 2011, we have been working closely with the Federal Association of “Bundesarbeitgeberverband für Personaldienstleister” (BAP). BAP supports us in representing our interests and advises and supports us on all relevant industry issues. As a result, we are always up to date with the latest legal and economic developments. This enables us to offer our employees a first-class service as well as fair pay and working conditions.

We work closely with the “Industrie- und Handelskammer” (IHK) to send interns to companies in the region. In this way, we jointly create prospects for young talent. We also regularly take part in seminars at which companies and experts discuss the future development of the region and gain valuable impetus for sustainable development.